pyMPI: Examples |
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The following are a number of examples illustrating how pyMPI can be used. If you have questions about these examples, or would like to contribute your own examples(or more pythonic versions of these examples), please send us e-mail. Python(pyMPI) OnlyMonte Carlo Calculation of Pi
1:""" 2:This example computes PI to certain precision using 3:4 processors and a monte carlo simulation. 4:""" 5: 6:import random 7:import mpi 8: 9:def computePi(nsamples): 10: rank, size = mpi.rank, mpi.size 11: oldpi, pi, mypi = 0.0,0.0,0.0 12: 13: done = False 14: while(not done): 15: inside = 0 16: for i in xrange(nsamples): 17: x = random.random() 18: y = random.random() 19: if ((x*x)+(y*y)<1): 20: inside+=1 21: 22: oldpi = pi 23: mypi = (inside * 1.0)/nsamples 24: pi = (4.0 / mpi.size) * mpi.allreduce(mypi, mpi.SUM) 25: 26: delta = abs(pi - oldpi) 27: if(mpi.rank==0): 28: print "pi:",pi," - delta:",delta 29: if(delta < 0.00001): 30: done = True 31: return pi 32: 33:if __name__=="__main__": 34: pi = computePi(10000) 35: if(mpi.rank==0): 36: print "Computed value of pi on",mpi.size,"processors is",pi 37: 38: pyMPI with Extension CodeVery simple extension codeThis is a simple example designed to allow you to test and see if your Python+MPI solution allows extension codes to make calls to MPI. This is one of pyMPI's features that other Python+MPI interfaces don't have. C Extension Code1:#include <Python.h> 2:#include <mpi.h> 3: 4:static PyObject * 5:mpimodule_rank( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ); 6: 7:static PyMethodDef MpimoduleMethods[] = { 8: {"rank", mpimodule_rank, METH_VARARGS,"Execute MPI_Comm_rank and return an integer rank value."}, 9: {NULL,NULL,0,NULL} 10: }; 11: 12:static PyObject *MpimoduleError; 13: 14: PyMODINIT_FUNC 15:initmpimodule(void) 16:{ 17: PyObject *m; 18: m = Py_InitModule("mpimodule", MpimoduleMethods); 19: 20: MpimoduleError = PyErr_NewException("mpimodule.error",NULL,NULL); 21: Py_INCREF(MpimoduleError); 22: PyModule_AddObject(m, "error", MpimoduleError); 23:} 24: 25:static PyObject * 26:mpimodule_rank( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) 27:{ 28: int flag; 29: int rank; 30: if( MPI_Initialized(&flag) ) // MPI not initialized 31: return Py_BuildValue("i",-1); 32: if( ! flag ) // Failure to call MPI_Initialized 33: return Py_BuildValue("i",-2); 34: else 35: MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank); 36: return Py_BuildValue("i",rank); 37:} 38: 39: Compiling the Extension
Python Code1:import mpi 2: 3:# My trivial mpi module 4:import mpimodule 5: 6:if __name__=="__main__": 7: print "PYMPI: I'm processor",mpi.rank 8: r = mpimodule.rank() 9: if (r >= 0): 10: print "mpimodule: I'm processor",r 11: else: 12: print "Extension was unable to call MPI!" Download examples |